
招聘经理希望掌握这些主题even for the most junior developers, which is why it is so important to be prepared to answer CSS interview questions when they are asked. There are some topics like React.js and MySQL that are perfectly acceptable to be mastering even as a mid- or senior-level developer. However, HTML and CSS are not some of those topics. We hope you enjoy our list of some common technical questions that you should be prepared to answer during your next interview.

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Cascading style sheets are the words used to make up the acronymCSS。在CSS之前,大多数样式都包含在文档的HTML标签中。CSS可让您描述HTML文档的设计,布局和样式。

Why is the word “cascading” very important in CSS?

CSS follows an order of importance. By default, what is most important is what was mentioned first in the program. Therefore, instructions cascade downward by importance, much like a waterfall. That cascade can be overwritten by selecting an element and applying unique styling. For example, if you first apply a background color of “red” to an HTML page and then later give it a background color of “blue”, then the background color will be the value that came last – “blue” – as the programming cascades downward.

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完全重做 - 您需要学习Web开发的唯一课程 - HTML,CSS,JS,节点等!betwayapp下载安装|柯尔特·斯蒂尔(Colt Steele)

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How would you describe CSS to someone who’s never used it before?


What is the relationship between HTML and CSS?

HTML elements are the foundation of any web document. Many HTML tags come with some CSS styles by default. We can alter that styling by applying CSS attributes and values to the elements.

What is the relationship between HTML, CSS, and JavaScript?



CSS 4.0在2017年和CSS 4.15 12/2020。但是,该版本掌握非常错误,可以说CSS4不存在 -根据网络。目前,“ CSS3”与“ HTML5”和JavaScript结合使用以创建现代网页体验。


排队: Giving style attributes and values directly to HTML elements in the document. Typically, inline styling is to be avoided because it can make it very difficult to debug across multiple device viewports.


Imported: CSS样式导入到一个HTML文档an outside `.css` file. This is the most common type of CSS usage in web development projects as it adheres to the “separation of concerns” best practice in which we abstract away potentially confusing coding for the sake of the human developer and not the machine’s computations.


If the header of the project called for internal styling or after an opening and before a closing tag. The . Inside of the