Pascal IDE早在1970年代和1980年代,一代软件开发人员就了解了Pascal编程语言的计算机编程基础知识。这种有影响力的语言的设计具有简单的程序语法,鼓励结构化编程。如果您在学习使用Pascal的编程基础上很有趣,请查看学习与Pascal进行编程. In addition to helping you master basic programming concepts, the class will introduce you to Delphi and Lazarus, two of the leading software tools for Pascal code development.


Pascal was created by Niklaus Wirth, an award-winning Swiss computer scientist. Wirth developed Pascal while working as an assistant professor of Computer Science at Stanford University and the University of Zurich in the 1960s and 1970s; he also designed Modula, Algol, Oberon and several other languages. In recognition of his contribution to the field of computer science, in 1984 Wirth was awarded the ACM Turing Award, which is often referred to as the “Noble Prize of computing.”

A simple example of the Pascal programming language can be seen in this Hello World code snippet:



Writeln(“ H​​ello World”);


Wirth named Pascal after a French philosopher, mathematician and physicist named Blaise Pascal who is credited with inventing the mechanical calculator in 1642. Although the language was mainly intended as a teaching tool, Pascal was used in the early years of Apple for development of the Lisa and Mac computers. More recently, the Skype application was written in Pascal.



当今的IDE具有图形用户界面,与达特茅斯基本(Dartmouth Basic)几乎没有相似之处,达特茅斯基本(Dartmouth Basic)是第一种使用IDE的编程语言。达特茅斯基本(Dartmouth Basic)于1964年开发,提供了一个基于命令的界面,该界面集成了编辑,编译和调试。其他早期IDE包括Maestro I和Softbench。在1980年代初期,一家名为Borland的软件公司推出了Turbo Pascal,这是Pascal语言的综合编程工具包。Turbo Pascal的功能不足以用于大规模编程项目,但对于初始程序员来说,这是一项强大的进步。根据Byte杂志的报道,发行后的头两年,售出了大约25万张Turbo Pascal。

Embarcadero Delphi IDE

在the mid-1990s, Borland evolved Turbo Pascal into a “rapid application development” (RAD) tool called Delphi. It was written in an object-oriented version of Pascal called Object Pascal and included a sophisticated IDE. Throughout the 1990s, Borland released increasingly more powerful versions of Delphi, adding support for dynamic arrays, method overloading, interfacing with databases and support for 32-bit operating systems.

2008年,Borland出售了负责Delphi的软件工具部门,以累积技术。Embarcadero继续支持Delphi,目前可在Microsoft Windows上使用,并生产在32位和64位Windows,Mac以及Apple和Android移动设备上运行的代码。如果您有兴趣学习如何使用Delphi编程,则需要访问运行窗口的计算机。

最新版本的Embarcadero Delphi是XE5。它的主要优点是能够为各种平台和设备(包括PC,笔记本电脑,智能手机和平板电脑)使用相同的应用程序代码。其他功能,包括FireDac,允许应用程序连接到企业数据库(例如MySQL,Oracle,DB2等)的库。Delphi Xe5 IDE还支持可视开发,使您可以使用视觉组件设计,原型和实现betwayapp下载安装应用程序。VCL(可视组件库)是一个视觉框架,可通过将预定义的视觉样式应用于现有代码来立即更改应用程序的外观和感觉。

The main disadvantage of Embarcadero Delphi for a beginning programmer is that it is a full-fledge professional development environment and carries what many consider to be a hefty price tag. On theEmbarcadero网站,价格从企业版本的4,679美元到专业版的1,871美元。


Lazarus is a competing RAD IDE that provides much of the same functionality as Delphi. It can be download free of charge from theLazarus website. Like Delphi, Lazarus provides a cross-platform IDE that supports multiple platforms. The platforms supports by Lazarus include Windows, Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pi, BSD and a variety of devices, including Nintendo. The Lazarus Class Library (LCL), which resembles Delphi’s VCL, supports a drag-and-drop graphical designer with more than 200 components that facilitate the creation of graphical user interfaces.

Lazarus IDE包括提供语法突出显示和代码完成的代码编辑器。它设计用于使用Free Pascal的betwayapp下载安装Pascal代码开发,Pascal是Pascal的开源编译器。Free Pascal与Delphi Pascal兼容,并支持许多相同的库。根据Lazarus网站,Free Pascal足够强大,可以被编程学生和商业软件产品的开发商使用。

拉撒路是开源的,因此可扩展。任何人都可以修改源代码并添加其他功能。您还可以安装实现特定外观的第三方附加组件和自定义组件。像Delphi一样,可以使用几个流行数据库的框架。与开源软件工具一样,Lazarus经常有一个愿意在公共论坛中提供建议和支持的用户社区。拉撒路和Free Pascal Wikiprovides technical documentation and programming examples.

If you’re trying to decide between the Delphi and Lazarus IDEs and don’t have a large budget for programming tools, Lazarus seems like the obvious winner. Another reason to select Lazarus is the ability to build applications for a wider range of platforms. On the other hand, if you can afford the steep Delphi licensing free, you may prefer that advantages that come with commercial-level support.


As you become more fluent in Pascal, you’ll be able to transfer many of the general programming concepts you’re learning to more modern languages.Ruby Programming for Beginnersintroduces an object-oriented language that can be used to create portable web applications that will run with different operating systems and web browsers. Ruby is easy to learn, especially for people who are already familiar with another programming language such as Pascal.

这是用Ruby编写的Hello World代码段:


另一种具有多种用途的更现代的语言是Python。在python for初学者,您将了解使用Python编程语言编程和调试应用程序的容易。

这是用Python写的Hello World:

打印“ Hello World”。


Most people who want to learn how to program are interested in programming for a living. In addition to learning about the technical aspects of software development, it helps to understand the business of programming.Break into the Programming Businessis a series of video lectures presented by Huw Collingbourne, technology director at SapphireSteel Software. It explains how to manage a tech project or your own or direct a team of programmers. By the time you finish the course, you’ll know enough about the programming business to “talk to programmers on their own terms.”


Building Apps in Delphi With the VCL Part 3


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We continue our coverage of the VCL, including two of the most complex controls TListView and TTreeView |By Alister Christie

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