Steven Hancock

JavaScript无处不在。如果没有遇到它,您就无法在计算机或移动设备上做很多事情。但是什么是JavaScript,您应该take the time to learn it?


What is JavaScript?


These are client-side markup and programming languages, interpreted by the browser rather than in the back-end on the web servers. They aren’t compiled like other programming languages, but rather, the browser simply knows how to interpret them.


Last Updated February 2021

  • 117个讲座
  • Beginner Level
4.6 (561)

初学者的JavaScript;在深入培训中真正学习JavaScript;让您开始担任JavaScript程序员|史蒂文·汉考克(Steven Hancock)


如果你想想一些常见的事情发生hen browsing the internet, JavaScript is probably involved. For example, as you begin typing a Google search, the suggested search terms become available because of JavaScript. If your web-based email is updated to show you the latest emails you have received, JavaScript is involved. Any interaction with your favorite YouTube content most likely involves JavaScript. Basically, if the web page you are viewing is doing something more than just displaying static text and images, JavaScript has something to do with it.

But don’t confuse JavaScript with Java. JavaScript is a dynamic, portable language used to create web and mobile applications. Java is primarily used for desktop and server applications.



Based on the previous answer, it might be tempting to answer this question with “JavaScript helps power the web.” This would be right, but it’s only part of the story. JavaScript has evolved since its early beginnings and works not just on the web page you are viewing but many other places as well.


Top courses in JavaScript

JavaScript: The Advanced Concepts (2022 Update)
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JavaScript – The Complete Guide 2022 (Beginner + Advanced)
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50天内的50个项目 - HTML,CSS和JavaScript
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Jonas Schmedtmann
4.8 (147,313)
Learn JavaScript: Full-Stack from Scratch
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But JavaScript does not need to be excluded anymore. In 2009node.js被释放。这使得在服务器上使用JavaScript成为可能,因此您不仅会遇到客户端JavaScript。从那时起,它一直在不断发展,现在负责运行众多站点的后端。

The server is not the only place that JavaScript has made inroads. For example, you could create a mobile app using JavaScript thanks to tools like反应NativeIonic。谢谢电子,您还可以使用JavaScript构建桌面应用程序。

So basically, JavaScript is everywhere and has many different uses. You can use the same JavaScript function across multiple platforms, so it’s highly portable — and many utilities you would work with are based on it. JavaScript is a significant skill for a web developer or完整的堆栈开发人员

Why learn JavaScript?

According to a recentStackOverflow developer survey, JavaScript is the most commonly used language, and this has been the case for several years in a row. This should give you an idea of the number of opportunities available to someone who knows JavaScript. As long as people use and interact with the web, development opportunities will continue to grow.

Now, you may have heard of different technologies for building web pages like反应,Vue, 和,也许这让您想知道是否应该专注于这些工具而不是JavaScript。这些工具是在JavaScript之上构建的库和框架。为了成功,您应该首先在没有任何添加工具的情况下学习JavaScript。我们称此为“香草javascript”。如果您想成为一名多功能开发人员,即使使用不同的库和框架,也必须了解代码中发生的事情,也必须学习香草JavaScript。我强烈建议和促进这种方法我的课程

Is JavaScript a real programming language?


However, JavaScript has matured extensively through the years. JavaScript is now a full-fledged language. It contains many of the best features of other languages. JavaScript supports multiple programming styles such as object-oriented, functional, and imperative. With JavaScript, you can get started writing code in as little as a few minutes. You can also spend years mastering the language. It is a mountain waiting to be climbed.

The name “JavaScript” can perpetuate the idea that the language is just Java’s little sister; Java being the full fledged language and JavaScript its little, weaker brother. However, JavaScript and Java are two very different languages and are not even related. JavaScript was named after Java merely for marketing purposes.

Steven Hancock
4.6 (561)
Advanced JavaScript Topics
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Steven Hancock
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Mastering JavaScript Arrays
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Steven Hancock
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Courses by Steven Hancock


JavaScript is beginner-friendly, and you already have the tools to start learning. Writing some JavaScript code with a simple text editor and a web browser is possible. In the text editor, you write your code, and the browser contains a JavaScript engine to interpret and run it. This简单教程可以让您开始编写第一个JavaScript代码。


有阿尔so JavaScript frameworks that can make it easier to get started, but you should still learn the language from the bottom up.

How do I get started?

最后一个问题是最重要的。只有您知道自己如何学习。JavaScript Powers的网络充满了学习语言的资源。但是教导了许多学生,让我提供一些建议:

If you would like to take this journey with me, I would love to have you along for the ride. Browse my最受欢迎的课程专注于香草JavaScript,或从我的开始学习现代JavaScript:入门course. Happy JavaScripting!

Page Last Updated:April 2022